Slam the Door Shut


Galatians 4: 4-5 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

Are you struggling to break negative cycles? Do you feel trapped by generational curses?

The Lord Jesus came into this world to help people like us. He wanted to break the curse of negative cycles. While the law was good for those who held on to it, it offered little hope for the rest. In fact, the shame and guilt that accompanied sin created a loophole for satan to control us.

In the Old Testament, people cracked open the doors to their hearts by sinning against God. Of course, satan jumped at the opportunity to get his foot in the door. Over time, through guilt and shame, he opened the door wide enough to enter the person’s heart and left them trapped and helpless.

The Lord Jesus was fed up with satan’s schemes. He loved us so much that He wanted to free the trapped and empower us with abundant life. That’s when He gave up His divine privileges and stepped down from heaven, fully knowing that His mission was to save mankind by sacrificing His life on the cross.

Today, we don’t have to give satan a foothold in our lives through guilt or shame. The next time we sin, we can go straight to God and ask for forgiveness. Even if satan has his foot in the door, we don’t have to feel helpless. We can slam the door on him because we have victory over sin in the name of Jesus! He won the battle for us on the cross!


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