Strength Through Struggle


1 Peter 4:14 NIV

If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you.

Contrary to popular belief, Peter presents suffering for one’s faith as something positive in this verse. He views such hardships as opportunities for spiritual growth and a closer connection with Christ.

Going through tough times because of our faith tests our commitment and aligns us with the suffering Christ Himself endured. The presence of the Holy Spirit makes this connection even more powerful. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the strength to push through and ultimately share in Christ’s glory.

When we endure suffering for Christ, we are blessed because the Spirit of God rests on us. While it may not seem like a blessing at the moment, it will surely lead to a greater reward. Rather than feeling discouraged, we should trust in the Lord and rely on His grace to overcome our challenges.

Therefore, let’s encourage ourselves to look at hard times differently. Let’s try and find more meaning in them by committing to our faith and staying strong, even when things get tough. As we do that, we will reflect God’s remarkable power and glory through us. It’s as if we are adorned with an invisible yet impressive cape that reveals the magnificence of God to others.


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