Submit to God’s ways


John 2:5:  His mother saith unto the servants, whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

The wedding in Cana was going on as usual in all its festive mood and celebration, but they were in for a rude shock when they got to know that they were running out of wine.  Just imagine that the modern day wedding feast was going on at its best but suddenly the host realized that they were heading towards an unexpected food shortage.  What would the host do? Of course, order for more food from outside.  Those days, it wasn’t so.  It was at this juncture, that Mary asked Jesus to perform a miracle.

Jesus told Mary that His hour was not yet come.  He did not want to perform a miracle at someone else’s suggestion or order.  He wanted to do it His way.  Amen!  Many times we want God to work out a miracle in our lives our way and at our time.  Don’t we? We control God sometimes.  We tell Him to work for us when conditions are suitable for us so that we can bag all the credit.  Jesus wanted to have His way and His timing so that God would be glorified.  He told the servants to fill the jars with water which was turned into wine and it was the best wine that was ever tasted.

The servants obeyed what Jesus told them.  They never questioned Him as to why they should fill the jars with water when all that the host needed was wine.  The way God works for us may seem unacceptable to our thinking.  It is sometimes hard to understand God’s ways, but if you submit yourselves to God’s planning and timing, you will taste the best ever miracle in your life.  Allow God’s way of working for you.  Stop questioning and ordering God and just submit to His plans.
