
Psalm 34:3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.

Psalm 34 is a beautiful psalm, that can be used as a prayer, prophecy or even as praise to the Lord.

The context of this psalm is that David attempted to flee his own country to go over to the Philistines, their enemies. He knew Saul intended to kill him and went to the Philistine King. Soon, he realized that the King’s servants were suspicious of him, and so he pretended to be insane to escape. How silly he might have seemed, behaving this way, to all around him…and himself!

Yet, even in that situation, he continued to bless the Lord. And bless HIM at ALL times. Indeed, he goes on to say that the Lord’s praise would continually be on his lips. He begins with this ‘positive declaration’ and goes on to invite everyone to exalt and glorify the Name of the Lord. To magnify and amplify His goodness. David was confident that the Lord is faithful. He knew that the Lord WOULD DELIVER him despite his foolishness. Though it seemed like a shameful situation, his confession was that those who looked to the Lord, their faces are NEVER covered with shame. Or rather, the magnificent radiance of the Lord becomes their countenance! Though he was a silly man at that point, his spiritual wisdom caused him to know that the angels of the Lord encamped around him! Blessed are those who take refuge in the Lord.

THIS IS OUR PORTION!!! His deliverance, His glory, His very angels and His protection. Oh, taste and see that the Lord God, King of the heavens, Prince of peace, Lion of Judah, the Alpha and Omega, the Bright and Morning Star, the Beloved Lamb of God; HE IS GOOD!!! ALL THE TIME!!!


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