The God of restoration


Mark 10:48:  And many charged him that he should hold his peace; but he cried the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have  mercy on me.

Blind Bartimaeus was eagerly looking forward for a miracle in his life.  Maybe he tried many physicians and native medications.  Nobody could offer him help with regards to his blindness.  He took to begging finally because he had to eat to live.  One fine day when he heard that Jesus was passing that way, he decided to throw his dignity around and started begging for mercy instead of begging for food or coins that day.  Jesus healed him.

Though many ordered for him to shut up and not to disturb the Master, he kept shouting more and more.  His cries for help and mercy never went unheard.  In spite of so many hurdles and voices asking him to stay away, he didn’t give up.  He knew the Deliverer had come and that He would surely restore his vision back to him.  We are burdened everyday with so many negative voices around us.  Some voices tell us that there is no use in following God while some other voices tell us to stop trying God because all efforts are exhausted.  Be like the blind Bartimaeus, who, in spite of all the difficulties he had reaching to Jesus, he reached out and he could get Jesus to attend to his plea.  That is called as faith.

Never let your faith die.  God is not dead either.  Keep your hope alive and strong.  Talk to God every day.  Tell him your needs and show Him that you really have faith in Him to restore back everything that you lost.
