
Isaiah 41:18

I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.

Barren heights: That which is incapable of re-producing, due to too much dryness.

Valleys: A low elongated depression between hills.

Desert: Devoid of life, empty or lifeless.

Parched ground: withered or scorched and completely dried out being deprived of natural moisture.

Do you find any one of the above mentioned categories where you or your situation fits in? Are you barren and fruitless, feeling absolutely useless and worthless? Or do you feel like you’ve been walking through the valley with the shadow of death for company? Has the valley experience has been pulling you lower and lower, so much so, depression seems familiar? Or are you just tired and fed up, feeling like life is meaningless, worthless and aimless like a pointless walk in a long, long desert. Or have the troubles of life sapped off all your faith, energy and joy? Has the heat of the situations been so much that you feel completely burnt out?

Listen beloved of the Lord, this is what He is saying to you today: Who has witnessed a river on a mountain top or a fountain in a valley or a pool in the wilderness or a spring in dry land? No matter how impossible your situation may seem…NOTHING is impossible with the Lord Most High! Water is the source of all life…and water is what HE is pouring out in your life today. Get ready for rushing rivers, flourishing fountains, enormous pools and refreshing springs! With joy you will draw from the wells of salvation! The Lord Himself will satisfy your needs and strengthen you. You WILL BE like a well watered garden whose waters never fail.  Praise and glory unto the Lord Jesus Christ!


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