
The peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7


For ears that hear Him and hearts that obey Him, receiving a news that can potentially break our hearts or take our breath away in a moment is like reaching the end of the road, where God’s promises don’t seem to line up with our circumstances and it is easy to wonder where He is in the midst of our pain. Those are the times we most need to get alone with God, so we can try to get His perspective on things. As much as we may feel like giving up, we need to have ears that listen to Him, not only when it is convenient for us or favors us, but ears that hear God when overwhelming problems surrounds us. We need to have hearts that are rooted in His promises, trusting that He is in control and He is faithful.

When we look back in life what was once undefeatable, today it is something God has given us authority over. While the circumstances have changed, His promises haven’t. So now we know there is a time frame in which we have to endure, trust Him and be at peace and it all works in His time but the unrest in our hearts and minds is still real. How do we relieve ourselves? Whenever God speaks to us through His creation, we could think of Job, most of us remember some of the devastating trials Job went through, but how did God put Job’s heart at rest? God walked Job through the wonders of His creation, He reminded Job that only He, the creator and sustainer of life controls everything that Job can see and beyond.

Now there is something about taking a walk with God that can help us unburden, as we know after God showed off what He had made and the power He had over them, Job found his faith strengthened and renewed. Perhaps today all of us could take a few moments to take a walk with God and remind ourselves that the same God who puts the sun to rest and holds stars in place is holding us too. May the peace of God surpass all our understanding and guard our minds and hearts, in Jesus’ name amen.


One Comment

  1. Ray
    05 Jan 2019 06:49:22 Reply

    Thank you. Good one.May Lord reveal His creation and plans as we take a walk with God today .

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