The Power of Acknowledging His Name


Psalms 9:10 NKJV “And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You” 

The verses surrounding this verse talk about God’s majesty, mercy, and justice for the poor and oppressed. The Passion Translation says: “All who are oppressed may come to Yahweh as a high shelter in the time of trouble, a perfect hiding place.” 

Today is the ‘World Day of Social Justice.’ We reside in a society with bare minimum of justice available to the poor, oppressed, and needy; feelings of perplexity and doubt are ever present. But God’s Kingdom isn’t subject to the rules of the earthly kingdoms; justice is available in His Kingdom abundantly and freely, whether for this life or in eternity. 

Today’s verse stands in stark contrast with the governance of our present day. Our God Most High reminds us that in this world where hearts and bones break every single day and cries for justice are everywhere, we as His children have the privilege to run to a higher court, a higher NAME, where all our cases are vindicated before the Throne of the Father. David took great pleasure in praising and thanking his God, whom he addresses by Name in this psalm!

When you come before His throne today, you can have the same confidence and address Him by Name knowing HE Will vindicate your case. Let’s lift up the Name of the Lord like a banner today and watch the salvation of the Lord.


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