The Power of Praying Together


Matthew 18:19 NKJV “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.”

Prayer is one of the greatest joys of Christian life. It brings us so very near to God. There is no other direct line to God than prayer. Can you imagine the God of the universe turning His ear to hear us pray? That is how special we are to Him. Prayer comes in many forms: personal prayer, corporate prayer, intercession, thanksgiving, and so on. While personal prayer time is powerful, there is a special anointing on corporate prayer: God is present with us.

Today’s verse reflects the coming together of Believers as one body; gathering in a designated place to worship and pray in Spirt and truth. When Jesus uttered these words, He was not referring to two or three believers swapping prayer requests at a coffee shop. Instead, He envisioned a whole congregation, assembled to enforce church discipline on a fellow Christian. And he promises those believers — the ones gathered to exercise the keys of the kingdom (Matthew 18:18) — that He will be with them.

While this verse refers to church disciple, there is a deeper principle at work: praying together in the will of God.

  1. Added Power: There is great power when Spirit-filled believers unite and make their collective requests (according to God’s will) known to God.

2. Multiplied Joy: When we share each other’s burdens in prayer, we are adding to their joy. When those prayers are answered, that joy gets multiplied.

3. Greater Glory to God: Our multiplied joy in God then makes for multiplied glory to God — because God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Praying together involves others which brings more glory to God when He answers.

4. Unity among Believers: Praying together is one of the best things we can do to cultivate unity in the church. The spirit of unity is present with those who are partners in Christ and share spiritual life in Him

5. Answers we otherwise wouldn’t get: James 5:14–16, and many other verses, implies that there are some answers to prayer we simply would not get without involving others. One instance of this is praying for the sick (refer to above verse). 

6. To learn and grow in prayer life: The best way to learn to pray is to pray with others, especially those who have had their prayers shaped by the Scriptures.

7. To know each other: In the presence of God, there can be no pretense. Each Believer consciously offers true heartfelt prayer. One of the best ways to get to know a fellow believer is to pray together.

8. To know Jesus more: Each of us have different experiences/ encounters with the Lord Jesus. One of the best ways to hear about/ know other aspects of the Lord is by praying together.

Dearly beloved, the whole point of prayer is not to seek blessing. It is to know – and receive – the Blesser. Let us pray that this reason alone will always be enough for us to come together in prayer.


One Comment

  1. indumathi
    06 Sep 2021 10:29:34 Reply

    Amen ..yes we believe that the group prayers are powerful ..

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