The right approach


Philippians 2:2: Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

As God’s people, God wants us to be likeminded and share the same godly love. He wants us to be of one accord and of one mind.  He wants us to be united in our mind, our emotions, and our will.

The enemy of our souls is so busy planting seeds of disunity that we rarely get to notice it. He loves to cause strife and enmity everywhere.  Of course, we cannot agree on everything because we are all different.  What Paul is telling here is that we need to have a right approach and a right attitude in all things among us, God’s children.  We need to love God’s people like loving our own selves.  Serving God and serving God’s people should be our focus always.

Strive towards unity so that we can live a life that is free of strife and envy. Allow God to rule every circumstances in life so that there will be no reason for disunity.  Agree on things concerning God and His people.  Stay blessed!
