The walk … in the Truth


John 8:32 – ” And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Recently, the school holidays were on. Families got time to be together. Children looked happy while the parents, although a bit tired, were quite happy as they gazed at their children at play or idylling about the house. Seems a pretty picture – autumn leaves aglow and the warmer climate turn cooler in the evenings. Holidays meaning free time for offices and colleges too. So what typically happens then? We plan ahead to get good deals on travel and hotel bookings to head out of town,  or visit friends and family. We are in a happy state of mind. We have everything – good provision of: job, food, shelter, conveyance, family who love us, friends who support us, good health, and apart from these needs we even obtain our wants.

Have we forgotten something? With more free time on our hands, did we forget to talk to our Father in Heaven? Our Father who loves us unconditionally and provides us everything by His grace and not because of how good we are or what we did. Did we take time out to thank Him for the beautiful season and His provision and to praise Him for His glory?

Unbeliever’s hearts feel no other grievances than those that molest the body, distress their worldly affairs, or damage their property. They are not aware of the bondage of sin, captivity to Satan, and liberty by Christ. If you tell them about the wrong they are doing to their precious souls or the dangers of their eternal welfare, they will think we are talking about scifi information. Christ spoke of spiritual liberty. The scripture says when we know the truth of Jesus’ gospel, we will be free, we will enjoy knowing and learning about our Father in Heaven (whom Jesus wanted to reconcile us with by dying on the cross). Remember the only Way, the only Truth, and the eternal Life is only in Lord Jesus. Since we experienced God’s grace to understand the truth, let us in turn spread the truth with all we say and in all we do.
