God loves you


1 Corinthians 13:4  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.

This is the very definition of true love!

But true love doesn’t exist in the real world… or does it?

The Lord Jesus lived amongst us, suffered, was crucified and died for our sins. He was not ashamed to be called a sinner for our sake and was not afraid to bear our cross.

Even at the cross, He was kind enough to forgive us. He loved us in spite of all our weaknesses and flaws.

Can we think of anyone in our lives who loves us as much as this- to lay down their life for us?

Pure love is patient, void of jealously and pride. It’s unconditional and never-ending. It cannot be described in words nor can it be measured. This is the love that released us from the bondage of sin and reconciled us with our Father in heaven. It is the love that gives us hope in trying times such as we’re experiencing right now.

Aren’t we blessed to have a God who cares for us more than His own life? This is the love that the Lord Jesus has for us!

Through His life and death, the Lord Jesus showed us the meaning of love. Allow God’s love to cleanse negativity and wash away every bitterness from your heart. Let us make a commitment today to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and replicate His Love in our lives.



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