Under God’s wings


He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. Psalm 91:4

When you walk in faith, an exciting journey lies ahead. Your senses may not comprehend what you are going to experience. You upgrade from the ordinary life to the extraordinary, a life filled with God’s miracles. In this verse, the psalmist compares God to a mother bird with its young one. She covers her little ones with her feathers and protects them under her wings. Feathers protect you from the elements and wings form a shield around you. We are under God’s divine protection and care as long as we are under His wings, but it takes faith to remain there.

The author of this psalm was a temple personnel(a priest or a Levite). He was busy with his temple duties but yet remained faithful. Generally, when we get familiar with something, we tend to take it casually; ‘familiarity breeds contempt.’ Yet the psalmist’s faith still held strong. How did his faith survive?

His faith survived firstly because of his relationship with God and secondly because he held on to the truth. His relationship with God implies intimacy with the Holy Spirit. The truth is the word of God and it is the only offensive weapon we have in our spiritual warfare(Ephesians 6:17). The word of God and the counsel of the Holy Spirit activate the promises of God in our lives.

Today, rest under God’s wings as you build your relationship with Him and dwell on the truth of God.


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