Watch out your words and thoughts


Psalm 19:14:  Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to thy sight, O Lord my strength and my redeemer.

Our words and our thoughts matter a lot.  We cannot think one thing and speak a different thing.  We cannot think rubbish and act holy on the outside.  The psalmist desires that the words of his mouth, i.e., what he speaks and the meditation of his heart, i.e., what he meditates or thinks upon be acceptable in the sight of God.

Jesus said that the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.  This scripture is very true, isn’t?  When our heart is happy, we put on a smile and would even want to talk to people who have wronged us.  When we are sad, we don’t want to utter a single word to anyone.  We should watch what we speak and how we speak.  We should always check and screen what things go in and out of our mind.  We should also check what is going on in our minds and what we think upon.  Paul teaches us to meditate or think upon things that are of virtue, things that are holy and pure, and so on.  When we speak something, it should be of blessing to someone.  Let us speak words of encouragement and hope into people’s lives.

We need to monitor on a day to day basis if God is accepting our words and our meditation.  The word of God should be the standard of measure for a believer’s conduct and way of life.  Are our words and our meditation acceptable in God’s sight? Let us do a quick review of it.
