Welcoming a New Year


In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6


As one year ends, another begins and this can be very intimidating for some of us. People spend so much time on their planners but fail to execute it, while others procrastinate, some are just lost. The real question is how many of us know, what plans will work or if it is worth our time at all?

Well Proverbs 3:6 says, In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths, in the light of this scripture we come to understand that acknowledging God in all our ways, gives us direction. To acknowledge something we must know the nature of it or have first-hand knowledge. The bible gives us, an in depth insight and understanding of the nature of God and our first-hand knowledge comes from being in His presence. As we spend more time with the Lord in His word, He reveals Himself to us and we begin to understand that He is above the dimension of time and that He is able to do more than what we can comprehend. Let us not limit God with our small minds instead surrender ourselves and all our ways to Him and receive His time, a beautiful gift that He controls perfectly.

With this revelation, let us use our time wisely in prayer and learn to walk in His will, His timing and His plans for He makes them beautiful in His likeness. Let us spend time in consuming and filling ourselves with the power and strength of His holy presence. While people of the world set goals and resolutions based on their will, abilities and strengths that will eventually expire, but as children of God let us allow Him to sow a seed of purpose in our hearts through the holy spirit, a fire that never goes off.


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