You are a C.O.H (Citizen of Heaven)


Philippians 3:20

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.

As a Citizen of Heaven, do you know your duties, rights and responsibilities? Do you realize that you are living life in one dimension whereas there is far more to life that what you see with your natural eyes? What is your standard of living…no, not the worldly standards that measure your income, opportunities, status, contacts, etc.

Let’s look at what Paul has to say here. He was a true Hebrew from the tribe of Benjamin, circumcised and living a devout life. In fact, he boasts that there was no one who could surpass him concerning the righteousness of the Torah. Yet, he chose to forsake all his accomplishments and regards them nothing compared to something new he had now experienced. Knowing Jesus was an altogether glorious happening in his life. He realized that chasing after the vanities of life brings a fleeting joy and satisfaction. Rather, it is the pursuit of Christ that transforms us.

Paul says he longs to know the wonders of Christ Jesus and to experience the overflowing power of His resurrection. Paul encourages us to re-assess our standard of living according to the Word of God. We are citizens of the Highest Heavens and ought to behave like that. We need to dig into the Word so we would know our privileges, authority and calling. It is only when a citizen is not just aware of his citizenship but behaves responsibly that he is considered an asset to his country. May the Lord counsel and direct us to be effective and fruitful citizens of His Kingdom!

May we know the wonders of Christ Jesus and experience the overflowing power of His resurrection.


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