
And my tongue shall speak of Your righteousness and of Your praise all the day long. Psalm 35:28

Praise is a central part of worshipping God. To praise is to express adoration or approval. We praise the Lord for who He is, His works, and His character. We praise the Lord because He is worthy of all our praise.

Praise includes the acts of blessing, commending, honoring, thanking, celebrating, and rejoicing. In praising God, we exalt His goodness to others and make Him known among the nations. We see several important aspects of praising God in David’s instructions.

David spoke much of his own need and trouble in this psalm. Yet he ended with a strong focus on God and His praise. David magnified the Lord more than all his troubles and praised the Lord through it all. David understood the heart of God and met God with praise even in the most difficult times of his life. Like David, let the praises of the Lord remain on our lips irrespective of our circumstances. Let us praise the Lord with singing and dancing, with musical instruments, with our words and actions, with our uprightness, and with all our hearts.

Today, let us praise the Lord for the things He has done, for His mercy and His justice. Let us praise Him for His faithfulness, His promises, and His everlasting love. No matter what situation we are in, let us meet our Creator with Praise simply because He is Praiseworthy.



  1. Prejithson sangma
    01 Mar 2020 09:24:21 Reply

    Yes He is the one who worthy to praise, glory to God & amen.

  2. Ramakrishna
    02 Mar 2020 07:53:51 Reply

    Yes, Jesus Christ our Lord is worthy to be praised. Because He’s full of compassion , in Him there’s fullness of joy. His mercies are brand new every morning. His love endures forever. When we cry to Him, He will answer our prayers, sometimes quickly, sometimes after a while. He’s alone is trustworthy. In Him there’s peace which cannot be explained with our own understanding,knowledge and understanding. His grace will be upon us now and forevermore. He’s beyond description. Who can fathom His goodness. He’s highly commandable. His sacrifice for the whole humanity is incomparable. He’s good..good…good. let’s all of us trust Him wholeheartedly adore fully. Because He’s alone is God Almighty. Father to fatherless, orphans etc., let’s all of us renew through His word. Because word of God gives us life ,strength and salvation. Hallelujah ABBA Father.
    Thank you Lord for your love. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for your mercy. Thank your for your compassion oh God you are the above all powers. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name I pray Amen

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