Ask, seek, knock


Luke 11:9:  And I say unto you, ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

We are so overwhelmed sometimes as to how to get what we expect, but God has made it so simple.  He just said to ask, seek, and to knock.  We are so caught up with our busy schedule that we fail to see God’s simple ways of providing for us.  We think that God is so busy or that He is too complicated for us or that He is too busy to listen to us.

Asking, seeking, and knocking are the three things that God wants us to do.  It is that simple.  When you ask, ask in faith that your answer is already there.  When you seek for something, seek it in such a way that you will find it.  Lastly, when you knock, knock until the door is opened.  So, you have to ask like you have received it already and seek and knock until you find and see the door open in front you.

When God makes a promise, it is never a forgotten one.  It will always happen, though a delay might be evident. Delays are not denials, surely God remembers you.  So, ask in faith.  God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.    God bless you.
