Waiting on God


Psalm 27:14:  Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.  (KJV).

Waiting on the Lord is sometimes not an easy thing to do for some people.  Sometimes it seems like the more we wait on God, the more God seems to be silent and not answer what we ask Him.

In moments such as these or in the process of waiting, we should understand that God is trying to tell us something.  He does not want us to lose hope or focus.  He only wants us to be encouraged and renew our faith in Him.  When we renew our faith in Him, we will have courage that will be built up.  Waiting on God for His promises is letting God know that we completely trust Him no matter what and against every odds.  God is not a human to lie.  Whatever He has promised, He will bring it to pass.  God will strengthen our heart and empower us to be courageous.  Whatever be your circumstances or happenstance, its a good thing to sit expectantly in His presence and await your share from the Lord.

Let not your hearts be troubled.  Do not allow anything or anyone to discourage you from waiting on the Lord.  You will, like the eagle, renew your strength.  For us to reach greater heights in life and face every storms, we have to cultivate the habit of waiting on the Lord in prayer, fasting, reading and meditating His word, etc.  Do not be discouraged.



  1. Merlin
    11 Oct 2019 03:45:04 Reply

    I was totally discouraged this morning from current situation, prolonged waiting (for years!!) and from people.. this words of God is exactly what I needed.. Thankyou Jesus.

  2. Agusty
    11 Oct 2019 18:42:24 Reply

    Amen such an encouraging message for today continuing to wait on the promises of God

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