John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
Jesus says He is the ‘sprouting vine.’ That refers to the kind that doesn’t just grow haphazardly but the kind that puts forth much shoots and buds that germinate. A fruiting plant generally produces flowers that should be healthy enough to develop into a fruit once pollinated. If the buds are not healthy, they will fall off, with no possibility of fruiting. And this is precisely why we need to stay connected to the vine-so that when it’s time for us to bear fruit, we wouldn’t just ‘show’ outwardly signs of righteousness and goodness that will fade over time, but the very core of us will be the heart of the Lord!
As we build our lives, deeply rooted in Him as our SOURCE, the same fruitfulness will stream from within us. We wouldn’t just live haphazardly without an aim, any direction or a purpose. But our lives would produce shoots that will germinate and go on to be a blessing unto those who partake of it. Isn’t it interesting that the fruits we produce aren’t something that we ourselves enjoy or benefit from. Rather, it can be a source of joy, nutrition, health and comfort to others.
Some will say, ‘It’s not in me, I’m an introvert,’ or ‘I don’t have that kind of a personality,’ or ‘I have enough going on in my life.’ AND that is exactly why we need Jesus! Because when your source is your own self, when you rely on your own abilities and talents, you will be able to produce the outward flowers; but stay rooted in Christ, and you will reach the fulfilment of fruition. May our lives then, be deeply entwined in His, that His DNA becomes ours!!!
May our lives then, be deeply entwined in His, that His DNA becomes ours!!!
I was searching for this kind of Explanation of years together on Internet thank you very much pastor Johnson. It would be nice if u eleborate more on it