Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Psalm 139:23-24
Only a few of us roll up our sleeves and are ready to get dirty when our car breaks down. And rightly so, for only a few of us understand the mechanism. Shouldn’t the same principle hold good when it comes to our own lives?
Every Spirit-filled believer knows how far they are from becoming the perfect reflection of Jesus. In vain do we roll up our sleeves and judge our goodness and wickedness.
Today’s devotional is a call to take our entire being to the One who created every fiber of our being. To stand naked before God, asking Him to examine us with His permeating gaze. The way a torchlight reveals darkness, Psalm 139 is a prayer of surrendering and vulnerability. It is a prayer asking God’s light to fall upon the hidden corners and uncover the darkness and shadows that keep us from understanding and being who God has called us to be.
Like the psalmist, let’s not be satisfied with uncovering our secrets but ask boldly, like a child asking their Father, lead me. Let us humble ourselves and allow our heavenly Father to set us on the everlasting path.