An Altar Call


“Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.” Deuteronomy 33:12

The word ‘Intimate’ signifies something being close to our vicinity of touch, care, or attention.
Whatever we love the most, we keep it at the most intimate part of our being— our heart.

Now imagine a child, who’s just 3 days old; how intimately would the mother care for this child, how protective would she be of him or her, or how gentle would she be towards him or her.

Similarly the above mentioned verse tells of a tale of such an intimate love. The verse says, God’s love for Israel or His covenant people is so strong, passionate, and intimate that he keeps Israel between his shoulders— that means between his arms, holding him close, to protect him from all fears and harms.

“The temple in Jerusalem was located almost between the ridges of the territory of Benjamin, suggesting “between his shoulders”. Moses saw it as a symbol of Lord’s presence covering Benjamin continually”.

If the divine love could be so relentless, then how much more intimately does your Heavenly Fathers love you, friend? Today, does your heart trust in Him? Does your heart thirst to experience this love? Then come, there’s a place for you!


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