An Offering of Abundance


Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the first fruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10

Proverbs brims with wisdom, and in chapter 3, King Solomon imparts valuable life lessons to his son, urging to honor the Lord with possessions and first fruits. The focus, Proverbs 3:9-10, emphasizes the blessings of offering with a generous heart.

The Bible abounds with examples of those wholeheartedly honoring the Lord with offerings, reaping abundant blessings. Abel’s story is one such example; he offered the firstborn of his flock, expressing sincere reverence and gratitude. God favored Abel’s offering, leading to prosperity.

Another powerful example is seen in the widow’s offering in the New Testament. It stands as a powerful example, putting two small copper coins into the temple treasury. Though seemingly small, Jesus acknowledged her sacrifice, commending her. Giving all she had, her act of faith demonstrated complete trust in God, resulting in an overflow of divine blessings in her life.

Throughout the Bible, we see that honoring the Lord with our possessions and the first fruits of our increase is not just a financial transaction, but an expression of faith, trust, and gratitude. God looks not only at the quantity but at the heart behind the offering. When we give with a cheerful heart and a desire to put God first, He pours out His abundant blessings upon us.


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