Ask with a good conscience


“And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” 1 John:3:22 

The difference between Good and Bad is clearly seen in the word of God. the bible acts as a manual for  people to live a life that pleases GOD. 

The Conscience in humans helps them to understand the difference between Good and Bad. As believers and children of GOD it is our utmost duty to keep our conscience clean. 

Our biggest example is Christ Jesus, whenever, Jesus prayed to the Father in heaven with a request, it was done. Be it multiplying five loaves and two fishes or raising the dead Lazarus to life, HIS prayers were answered. Because he had a clear conscience, a pure heart that came to show the LOVE of GOD for mankind. 

Similarly, we in order to become imitators of Christ, should strive to achieve a pure heart. To start with, we can assure ourselves that we will do everything in our hands whatever be the task, be it being a full time mother, bank manager, IT professional etc; we will perform our duties with Love and sincerity. For our Bible assures that, when we approach our GOD with honesty and good conscience He will hear us and grant us our requests according to HIS will. 


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