Be faithful!


I Corinthians 4:2:  Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

We are stewards in the kingdom of God, and He has surely given us something to trade with until He comes back.  Steward is the one who will discharge his assignments faithfully and is responsible for everything that has been entrusted in his care.  A master trusts his stewards and holds him accountable for everything he does.  There is no escape for him.

We need to be found faithful in the stewardship that has been given to us.  In whichever capacity you are serving God, God wants you to own it up and be accountable.  If you are called to sing, sing it like you are singing for God. Do not use anything or any gift or talent for your own name or fame.  Do not ask for more anointing and use it up for your fame.  Use what is in you to serve God and people.  Serving God should be the ultimate purpose in your stewardship.

When we stand before God on the final day of judgment, how will God find us to be?  Will He look at us and say, “well done good and faithful servant” or is He going to say, “I never know you”?  It would be good if we were called as faithful servants rather than God denying that He doesn’t know who we are.  Stay faithful until the end so that you shall receive the crown of life from God.


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