Be Merciful to Obtain Mercy


Matthew 5:7 – Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy

As we read the Bible and meditate on the word of God, the more God’s nature is revealed to us through it. Our God is a merciful God. God’s goodness and mercy follows us all the days of our life. That is His nature.

In the same way, God expects us to be merciful to those around us. Whether we are at work or at school or anywhere, we must be merciful to our fellow brothers and sisters. When we show mercy towards others, God will be merciful to us not just on this earth but in Heaven.

Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. He gave His life so that we may be saved. What better example of mercy is there in this world? As we grow closer to God, we must adopt His nature and be more and more like Him.

Let’s not be quick to judge others or seek revenge on those who have wronged us or look to hurt others to move ahead in life. Instead, let us learn to forgive and love those who may have wronged us and show mercy to them while we keep our eyes fixed on God praying for his strength and discernment when we are not sure of how we should respond.

It should become our nature to show mercy to those around us because when we do that, we are replicating God’s nature through our actions because when we show mercy, our Heavenly Father will also be merciful to us.


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