Blessed Assurance


John 10:28
“And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.”

In this verse, Jesus expands on the metaphors He used earlier in this chapter. Jesus explained that those who are “His” are like sheep—they only respond to the voice of their own shepherd. How a person reacts to Jesus proves whether they are, or are not, part of His “flock” (John 10:1–6).

Jesus also claimed to be like the single opening in a sheep pen: “The Door” which was the only means of finding rescue from danger (John 10:7–9). He also proclaimed Himself the “Good Shepherd,” contrasted with selfish leaders like those He speaks within this passage and spoke of His willingness to die for the sake of those who are His (John 10:10–14).

This statement is a crucial part of our understanding of the gospel. Jesus has already made it clear that there are only two categories of people, spiritually speaking: those who are “in,” and those who are “out.” These two groups are separated by Jesus Christ, who is “the Door.” Those who belong to Christ are safe from being taken away, as a wolf might grab a sheep in the wild (John 10:12).

Therefore, those who are “in” will surely enjoy the privilege of eternal life and will not perish. This eternal life granted by Jesus to His “sheep” cannot and will not ever be stolen, revoked, or lost. Hallelujah !!! What a Blessed Assurance!

Blessed Day Ahead.



  1. Ruth. Sweeny
    28 Jun 2021 16:47:11 Reply

    Thanks for devotion. I live in Cooke Town. I have 3 kids. John, Judith and Mathew.

  2. Shivaram
    29 Jun 2021 03:05:21 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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