Blessings for the Righteous


Psalm 112:3 – “Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth for ever.”

The Bible is filled with promises for the righteous. The dictionary defines ‘righteous’ as, being morally right or justifiable. The world might consider a person righteous if he/she is a law-abiding citizen who does good to all. But the Biblical definition is different. Psalm 112:1 explains, “Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in his commandments!”

A righteous person fears God (has a reverential fear of the Lord and respects Him) and delights to follow His ways. Yet, our own righteousness is pitiable in the eyes of God. It’s only when we’re clothed with the righteousness of Christ that we can claim to be so. The rest of Psalm 112 recounts the many blessings of the righteous, including wealth and riches. Not to discount the spiritual riches God bestows on His people – they are truly riches that will last for eternity.

A truly righteous believer will not be swayed by the material blessings received from God. When we start paying more attention to what we receive from God, than God Himself, we put our blessings on the throne of our lives. Our righteousness will last forever only when we put our trust in God alone and rely on Him to meet our daily needs – whether we live in poverty or with plenty to spare, whether we’re able to make ends meet or not.


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