Bone of HIS bones


Psalm 34:20

He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.

This verse is symbolic of the sacrificial Passover lamb in the Old Testament of which no bone was supposed to be broken; and is completed and sealed in Christ of whose not a bone was broken. Now, Christ is the head and we, the Church are the body. In the light of this, the Lord has declared the very same promise to His body.

You may be pressed on every side, being troubled and oppressed in every way, but you will not be crushed; you might suffer embarrassments and may be perplexed and unable to find a way out, but you will not be driven to despair! (2 Cor 4:8-9)

As bones create protection, the Lord protects and preserves you, His love and faithfulness is always around you. (Ps.41:2; 40:11)

As the bones provide support, even when your enemies confront you in the days of disaster, the Lord is your support. (Ps.18:18) He sends you help from the sanctuary and grants you support from Zion. (Ps.20:2)

As the bones help in movement, the Lord your God moves in your life and delivers your enemies to you. (Deut.23:14)

As bones act as a reservoir, the Lord opens the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty to bless the works of your hands, that you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. (Deut.28:12)

As bones produce blood cells that carry oxygen and shields from infections, we know that our very breath is from the Lord Himself (Gen2:7) and He is a shield around you, your glory, the lifter of your head. (Ps.3:3)

As bones give energy through lipids, though your flesh and your heart may fail, but the Lord Most High is your strength and your portion forever!!!

Be confident in this, though many evils may confront the consistently righteous, the Lord delivers you out of them all. May your very bones exude the power, glory and righteousness of Christ! In Jesus’s name!!!


One Comment

  1. Bibin Babu
    30 Jul 2018 16:34:14 Reply

    Good one.Giving more strength and courage through WORD OF GOD.

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