Come now is the time to Praise and Thank Him.


Psalm 30:4
Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His,
And give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.

Bible repeatedly reminds us to “Sing Praise” and “Give Thanks“. The psalmist in today’s scripture reminds Saints of Most High to “Sing Praises and Give Thanks at the remembrance of His holy name“.

Who are Saints? Saints are those who are in a covenant relationship with God. As those in intimate relation with God, Saints will have the privilege of knowing Him deeper than those who do not share this relationship. Bible also calls blood-washed bands Saints, who have accepted the Lordship of Christ over their life. It is us.

Do we Sing Praises and Give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name? Today’s scripture does not give a condition when we should Praise and express Gratitude to God. Hence our praises and thanksgiving are not conditional. We should offer our praises and be thankful at all times for who He is and not just for what He has or can do.

Philippians 2:9b says “… and gave him the name that is above every name,” His name is powerful. Jesus also mentions, in John 14:13 and John 16:23, the power of the Name. We have the privilege of using the Name because of what Christ did for us on the Cross. Is this not sufficient to Praise Him and thank Him even in the most uncertain moments of our lives? As we prepare our hearts to participate in worship service worldwide, let us be mindful of who He is and offer our praises and thanks, which He alone deserves.
When we thank and praise the Lord, we invite His glory and presence into our hearts and soul. Isn’t it amazing !!!!!

Blessed and Worshipful Day ahead.


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