Communion with the Helper


John 14:16
“And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever”

Above scripture is one of them where all three members of the Trinity are mentioned.

Jesus, our Saviour is assuring that he would request Father would send the “Helper” (Holy Spirit) to be a presence among believers in His absence.
Helper” here is composed of two words: alongside and called. This Helper is a person called to the side to help another person. It is also a legal term indicating a person who pleads the case for someone else.

The term “another” means another of the same kind.

Hallelujah! We have two Advocates who plead our cause:
(1) Jesus who pleads our case to God the Father (He 7:25) and
(2) the Holy Spirit who pleads the Father’s provisions for the believer.

This is a closer relationship than the apostles experienced with the presence of Jesus in their lives because the Helper / Holy Spirit is here to stay permanently. The Holy Spirit will help the believer in several ways. He will glorify Jesus, illumine truth, convict non-Christians of their need for Christ, encourage believers, bring to remembrance what Jesus taught, guide believers in the truth, and enable them for ministry.

Is it not encouraging to know that we are not left alone? In uncertain times as this or other we will be able to sail through, standing firm in what we believe because of this “Helper“. Let us willingly have a blessed communion with this “Helper” all the days of our life.

Blessed Day Ahead.


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