

Mark 7:34:  And Jesus when He came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd; and He began to teach them many things.

What is compassion?  It means  you really want to help someone in their need and not just stopping with feeling pity or sympathizing with them.  Jesus never stopped with just feeling sad or being pitiful of someone’s condition.  He took the extra step of compassion. He healed the sick, brought the dead back to life, fed the hungry ones.  He acted promptly with the divine nature of God.  People followed Him in great multitudes.

Jesus satisfied their spiritual hunger by teaching about the kingdom of God.  He also satisfied their physical hunger. He was their Shepherd, directing their ways to God, the Father.  If there is anything which makes Jesus move is compassion.  He is moved when we sees our tears.  When we act in faith, He is moved.  All those who came to Jesus had faith in them which made Jesus do the things they asked Him for.  A very compassionate Father is whom we serve.

How many of us are willing to take the step of being compassionate? We see so many hurting people around us, people dying, being hungry, homeless, sinners.  What are we doing about it? We just feel sorry for them and sympathize.  Don’t we? Let us ask God to give us a heart of compassion like Him.  Let us be available to reach out to those who need help.

