Created for Good Works


Ephesians 2:10

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

Everything around us has been created for a purpose. From the natural world created by God to inanimate objects designed by men, every entity has a role to play. In today’s verse, Apostle Paul tells us we are God’s workmanship, created for good works. God created each of us with a plan in mind, and when we walk with the Lord, He will reveal the good works we are to accomplish.

The truth is that sometimes we mess up. We choose to follow our own desires rather than the path God has laid out for us. However, when we surrender ourselves to Him, He is faithful to guide us into His will. Just as a potter refashions marred clay into another useful vessel, God is able to use our imperfect lives for good.

Are you in a season of wondering what God’s purpose for your life is? Wait on the Lord and spend time with Him every day. If He hasn’t revealed anything to you yet, perhaps He’s waiting for you to obey the last instruction He gave you. Or, He might be working in you, fashioning you in His likeness so you will reflect His love to the world. Trust in the Lord and let Him fulfil His will – in and through your life.

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