Declaring GREAT victories!!!


2 Samuel 22:51 

“He gives his king great victories; He shows unfailing kindness to His anointed, to David and his descendants forever.”

There are many psalms sung by David at many different times of his life, even in his old age when he would look back and recall his historic victories, the battles he had fought. In it all, he saw this: the mighty Hand of the Most High. Charles Spurgeon says of David: “He had such faith that he could fight singing and win the battle with a song STILL on his lips.”

While David fought battles on the war grounds, he also faced a Goliath, ran away from a Saul and had to deal with an Absalom. Besides those, he also struggled with his backsliding and sinful passions.

If God chose David despite his shortcomings and gave him great victories, He went beyond it all for sinners like us. He sent His only beloved Son as a sacrifice that our shortcomings would be overcome through the blood of the cross and the righteousness of Christ. There is NO SIN that cannot be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Come to Him with repentance and a trusting heart. His mercy and loving-kindness is upon you. Name the battle you are fighting with today, let us have faith like David so we too could fight our battles singing praises to our Lord. It may look like you’re surrounded, but you’re surrounded by HIM. Declare your GREAT VICTORY in the Name of Jesus!


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