Diffusing the wrath of the Lord


Numbers 14:18

‘The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’

Benet, all of 13 had been rescued from being held captive after 6 long years. Here he was, at one of the best children’s home in the country, until a good family would adopt him. But it had been an entire year and he was getting restless. It showed in his actions, speech and attitude. He complained about the food, the room, the friends and even the staff. He was always rude, offensive and unappreciative. It seemed like nothing could make him content. Many a times, he wished out loud how he felt it was better to die in captivity than to be here.  The biggest challenge the staff faced was to continue loving this child despite it all.

Ditto the Israelites. And many people we know. Overcome by the situations, the seemingly endless waiting, lacking in faith, heeding the darkness of the world; they seem like the most detestable, pathetic and irrational people who fully deserve the wrath of the Most High to consume them.

That’s when we need to step in and be Moses to them. Intercede for them, for that is what the heart of the Father desires, despite the justice of the law. Our hearts need to beat for them not with aversion, but with love. Christ came for them such as these. He doesn’t hate them, rather, He came that they would have life, and life in its complete fullness. Take the names that occurred to your mind, to the presence of the Lord. Submit them to Him and plead with Him for forgiveness, mercy and goodness, in Jesus’ name!


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