Divine Presence and Supernatural protection


Psalm 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” KJV

The term shadow has more than one meaning in the English language. One of them is to follow and observe someone closely and secretly. This is probably one of best ways to define the above verse. 

When the Holy Bible speaks of the shadow of the Almighty, it talks about three things. One is keeping a close watch, the other one is divine protection and finally perfect guidance. God’s shadow symbolises His presence, protection and counsel. However, unlike His love which is enjoyed by the entire humanity, only those who take refuge beneath His mighty wings, can encounter and experience His divine shadow.  

God’s promise that “I will never leave you nor forsake you” is found in multiple books of the Holy Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments. With this promise, we can be assured that He is always with us. No matter the distance, we are never too far from God’s protective presence and perfect counsel. We may not always feel His presence, but His shadow will never leave our side. 

We have a choice to make today. Chasing after random shadows will lead us nowhere, but when we choose to dwell under the shadow of our faithful and trustworthy God, He will lead us to places that we have never been before. He will instruct us and guide us to be successful, prosperous and victorious. And throughout our walk with Him, He will observe, watch over and protect us. It’s an easy choice to make. 


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