Do not lose heart


Galatians 6:9

 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (NKJV)


Joseph was his father Jacob’s favorite. His brothers became jealous of him and they sold him as a slave. Joseph worked with all his heart and found favor in the eyes of his master. Potiphar, his master gave him charge over everything.


Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph and he was behind bars. In prison, Joseph interpreted dreams which eventually helped him to become the prime minister of Egypt. Joseph had the power to take revenge on his brothers. But Joseph forgave his brothers and ensured they got the best place in Egypt to settle down. Joseph continued doing good, throughout his life, irrespective of being in slavery or in authority.


We face different kinds of problems in our day to day life. People would have accused you wrongly. You might be in deep trouble now because you trusted some. But let that not stop you from being good.


God knows the situation you are in and would help you rise over the situation and soar on wings like eagles. The same God who helped Joseph to move from being a slave or prisoner to the ruler of the land, from prison to palace, would guide and help you. What he has done for others, He will surely do it for you. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.


Remain in Him. Those who look to Him are radiant. They will never be ashamed. God will make all things beautiful in its time.!



  1. Grace Tennyson
    28 May 2020 06:30:20 Reply

    Praise the Lord.
    Thank you Pastor,for this wonderful n inspired morning devotion. God , Himself spoken with me this morning thru’ this message.I ws much worrying about our future , after this lockdown .but now I hv the courage that, *God will lead me*., He raised Joseph from slave to a PM, sure HE ll rise me.Thank you Pastor..God bless you.

  2. Lynette Pinto
    28 May 2020 11:28:23 Reply

    I have been listening to the daily devotions and I am truly blessed. I thank God for Ps. Johnson, and all the pastors, technical team support & everyone who is working constantly to bring out the daily messages to the ends of the earth. I am truly blessed.

    I live and work in Kuwait. My daughter Loraine is in B’lore doing her final year of post graduation in Psychology at Kristi Jayanthi.

    They will be having *online viva* and *open book online exam* using *LMS* through *KJC website.

    1. June 15th they will have *Online Viva*
    2. About the *Open book exam* – Questions will be sent to stds 1 or 2 days prior via LMS.
    3. Theory exam will be in the 1st week of July.

    Please keep my Loraine in your prayers and for her success. Also please pray for her good health. She attends your service regularly every Sunday & is touched by your preaching & the praise & worship. She was the one who introduced me to this church. I must say and have to admit that this is one of the best church I have attended so far. Whenever I am in B’lore, I do fellowship with you all. God bless each one who labors for the Lord.

    Please keep me in prayers. I live in Kuwait with my husband and two daughters. One is in Bangalore and joins us every six months. Praying there may not be any more postponement of exams due to the present situation. Our God is faithful. Love to all. Thank you.

    • Bethel Team
      28 May 2020 17:28:58 Reply

      Dear sis Lynette,
      Thanks for the message.
      Praying for your family and especially your daughter. May God give her wisdom for the exams/viva and bless her with a wonderful future.
      Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
      Bethel AG Church

  3. Sheila
    29 May 2020 10:58:06 Reply

    THANK YOU PASTOR JOHNSON FOR THIS WONDERFUL MESSAGE. Please pray for my sons Benjamin and Runcie and daughter Anita that their eyes may be opened and they get the REVELATION OF YOU. I also Pray for my children Chetan and Smitha and their families to know good from bad.And I especially Pray for my son in law Venkatesh Dagumudi that he may READ THE WORD OF GOD I gave him and KNOW THE REAL GOD.Please Pray for my 2 daughter in laws to have a safe and normal delivery. Our family is like one of THE BIBLE stories. THANK YOU PASTOR JOHNSON

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