“Established, Anointed, Sealed: The Promise of the Holy Spirit”


2 Corinthians 1:21-22 – Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God, who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.

Dear beloved,
As you start your day, remember that you have been established in Christ by God himself. He has anointed you and sealed you with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of your inheritance in Him. What a wonderful truth to cling to!

God’s calling

God has called you to a life of purpose and meaning, and He has equipped you with everything you need to live it out. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, you can overcome any obstacle and accomplish all that God has set before you.
But it’s important to remember that this is not something you do alone. God is with you every step of the way, guiding you, strengthening you, and empowering you to do His will. So take a moment to surrender your day to Him, and ask for His wisdom and guidance in all that you do.


Consider a seed that is planted in the ground. It may seem small and insignificant, but with the right conditions, it has the potential to grow into a beautiful and fruitful tree. Similarly, when we place our faith in Jesus Christ, God plants the seed of His Spirit within us. It may seem small and insignificant at first, but with the right conditions – such as prayer, reading the Bible, and being part of a faith community – that seed will grow and bear fruit in our lives.


As you go about your day, be mindful of the Holy Spirit’s presence within you. Allow Him to guide your thoughts, words, and actions, and trust that He is working all things together for your good.
Remember, you are not alone. God is with you, and He has great things in store for you. So take courage, dear one, and walk confidently in the knowledge that you are established in Christ. We are anointed by God, and sealed with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of your eternal inheritance.
May God bless you and keep you, now and always. Amen.


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