Everyday is Thanksgiving



Psalm 69:30 – I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.


Psalm 69 is written by David in the midst of a lot of difficulties, which towards the end turns into a great section of praise. It has many references to the experiences that took place in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

This psalm points to the responses of both the Psalmist and the Lord Jesus when they experienced severe affliction, rejection and betrayal.

This Psalm is a prayer that leads one to commit onself and his enemies into the hands of God who judges righteously. Praise to God’s name is the activity described here in anticipation to this prayer which will be answered because of the confidence in who God is.

The devil tries everything to get our attention away from our God to ourselves. He gets us to focus on and magnify the difficulties, circumstances, losses and one’s own limitations. In the midst of those troubles, satan gets us to despair, to become angry and fearful, to complain, and to be frustrated.

Let us, like David choose to magnify and focus our attention on who our God is. Let’s enlarge our understanding of God’s name as He gives us revelation. Let Jesus shine through our lives in the midst of our suffering through our praises.

  1. Let’s pray that all blindness to God’s goodness, wisdom and love will be removed. Our spiritual eyes will be open to God’s presence and God’s greatness so that everyday turns into a day of thanksgiving.

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