Faithfulness Breeds Blessing


Proverbs 28:20 – “A faithful man will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”

Faithfulness is something we don’t easily come across in this generation. We switch companies when our jobs become stagnant, upgrade our phones when they start lagging and even relationships are taken lightly. The Bible, however, explicitly states the importance of faithfulness. The basic principle outlined in today’s proverb is that when you’re faithful in what you do, you will be richly blessed.

What does it mean to be faithful? The dictionary defines it as being loyal, committed, steadfast, constant, true, dependable, reliable and devoted. It’s important that we try to apply these adjectives to the many roles we play in our lives. Ask yourself these questions (at least the ones that are relevant to your current state in life):

• Am I a true friend?

• Am I committed to my work?

• Am I steadfast in my faith?

• Am I a dependable spouse?

• Am I a devoted child/parent?

If you’ve been faithful to do your best in the place that God has planted you, you can be assured you will be richly blessed. You will be blessed with everything you need to continue living a life that honors God – this includes both spiritual and material blessings. You are a child of God; He will not let you lack any good thing.


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