Fight Fear with Faith


Joshua 1:9 – “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

All of us have felt fear in some form or the other. Perhaps it is nervousness before the exam results come out, anxiety over the health of a loved one, fear of what others might think or worries about the future. The Bible is filled with verses where God directly tells us not to worry, not to fear and not to be anxious.

So, how do we combat our fears and live in obedience to God’s Word? We let our faith overpower our fear. God wants us to be strong and of good courage. Does that mean we must be immune to the cares of this world? On the contrary. We must acknowledge our anxious thoughts but also counter them with the life-giving Word of God.

The next time you find yourself tormented by fear and anxiety, don’t look at what might happen. Look at who God is and what He can do instead. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the determination to trust in a God who is greater than your circumstances. Don’t let fear steal your joy. Remind yourself of what God has done for you this far and the promises He has proclaimed over your future.



  1. Jabez Ravi
    09 Jan 2019 09:08:35 Reply

    Thanks be to God for this wonderful promise. Please pray that God will help me overcome my fears.

  2. Mabel David
    09 Jan 2019 14:57:34 Reply

    Thanks for the encouraging words. As family we are going thru financial crisis. We are in Horamavu nandanam colony. We have an apartment for rent. We have prayerfully decided to give it for rent only for God’s children. It has been vacant from 1st Sept 2018. Kindly pray for good Christian tenant. Thank you.

    • Bethel Team
      17 Jan 2019 12:59:27 Reply

      Dear Brother Mabel,
      We pray that God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19)


  3. Devadass
    11 Jan 2019 06:56:21 Reply

    It’s very good to know & understand in depth the Bible verses, thanks pastor for the explanations

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