Friends with God


Psalm 25:14:  The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear him, and he makes known to them his covenant.

God is our friend.  For those who fear the Lord, His friendship remains.  His disciples respected and had reverential awe of Him.  He called them His friends.  Not everyone gets to be a friend of God.  To those who are friends, He makes known His plans and purposes.

Moses was God’s close friend.  He made known unto Moses whatever He had purposed to do for Israel.  He gave the Israelites the 10 commandments and various other laws and instructions for them to live in the promised land.  He shared His heart with Moses.  To be God’s friend is such a lovely experience.  Human beings have the best of buddies and close aides, but nothing can beat the friendship with God.  When God trusts a human being for a friend, there will be no secret between the two.  God will reveal everything with the one He trusts.  When two friends are close to each other, they literally share everything because of the trust that they have developed for each other.  That is the same principle which applies with God and a person whom He calls friend.  God once told Abraham that He is going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah but Abraham pleaded and Lot and his family were out of destruction.

God will reveal His plans for a city, for a nation and for ourselves if we want to be His friends.  When God lets us know of the intentions and plans, we will be led to pray likewise and receive His promises.


One Comment

  1. Craena Roseline
    08 Jun 2018 00:00:30 Reply

    “nothing can’t beat the friendship with God” tats so true.. how awesome and lovely friend/father/brother and the most king of all kings and God of all gods we have … Thank you daddy for choosing us as your own people/portion in the world!!

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