Give us our daily bread


He has given food to those who fear Him; He will ever be mindful of His covenant. Psalm 111:5

We all need food for our physical nourishment and sustenance, but being a spiritual being, it is crucial to be nourished with spiritual food, too, for “surely life is more than food“. 

While God is interested in our physical body and provides us breakfast, lunch, dinner, and those lip-smacking snacks, He also gives us His Word and promises to nourish our spirit. His instructions and guidance cater to our growth, and His truth keeps sickness far from us. 

And this promise is not a fleeting promise for a select few or for a short period of time. The way He provided Manna to the children of Abraham, He has provided you your manna – His only begotten Son, Jesus. Jesus is the bread of life. If your hope is in Jesus, and Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you can be sure that God will provide for your every need and be ever mindful of His covenant with you. 

As we meditate on Psalm 111:5, let us hunger to be fed by God our Father and remember that, like Jesus, our food ought to be to do the will of God. 


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