God, our ever present Help


Psalm 46:1:  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

God is our refuge as well as strength.  He is a very present help in times of trouble.  God is our place of shelter or refuge.  He also is our strength.  When we feel we have strength, it is not our strength actually.  It is God’s.  He is a very present help in our times of trouble.  It means we don’t have to go out seeking or searching for Him but that God is always there, He is always a help at hand, He is always near.  There is no other better help than God himself.

When we feel let down or hopeless or chased upon by the pressures of life, we always have a well-sheltered place to go to.  We have God as our strength.  God told Paul that His grace was enough for him and that His strength was made perfect in his weakness.  Paul was requesting for a healing, but God said His grace and His strength were enough.  As soon as we are hit with trouble on every side, our minds think fast on help options that are quickly accessible, but the scriptures teach us to make God our refuge and our strength.  God is always near to help.  We don’t have to go out looking for God because He is always a present help, meaning, He is always there, always present.  It also means that we don’t have to panic thinking if God will hear us or not.

Make this God, your God of strength and refuge as well as a Help that you can always rely upon.  If God is for us, there can be nobody who can be against us.  Put your hope and trust in God.