God Hears Your Cry


Psalm 18:6 NKJV

“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears.”

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that all you could do was desperately cry out to God for relief? Life can take us through moments of deep distress—times when fear, pain, or uncertainty seem unbearable. But Psalm 18:6 brings hope, reminding us of a powerful truth: God hears us.

Our prayers do not simply disappear into the air when we call out to our Heavenly Father; they go straight to Him. His ears are attentive to our requests. The God of the universe, who holds all things in His hands, listens to your desperate cry for help. He is not distant or indifferent to our struggles; He is near, attentive, and ready to respond.

Perhaps today, you feel lonely and assume that no one understands what you’re going through. Your heart could be burdened with worries too heavy to carry alone. Friend, you are not alone. Lift your voice to your Father. He sees, He cares, and He will answer in His perfect way. Your cries are never ignored—they are heard by the One who loves you most.

Prayer: Father, in my moments of distress, I call to You in faith. Thank You for hearing my prayers and for never leaving me alone in my struggles. Strengthen my heart, Lord, as I await Your response and guidance. Amen.

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