God is faithful


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23

Hope is something we all do. We hope that traffic won’t be too bad when we leave for work or school. During the yearly review, the hope is we get better ratings and better bonuses. Sitting in the doctor’s office, we hope all is well and to hear how well we have been taking care of our bodies. However, hope for Christians takes a whole new level, for it is the supporting block of our faith. 

The Bible teaches us to hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, Why? Not because we are superior to others or have it all under control, No. Even those who walked with Jesus wavered. Peter walked on water but soon began to sink because his faith wavered. An Ishmael was born because faith wavered. And yet we see that Peter did not drown and Issac is still called the promised child. The Bible gives us several examples of mighty men and women who walked with God and their wavering faith to know for a fact, that He who promised is faithful. 

Are there areas in your life, you find hard to trust God with? Is your faith wavering? Are you growing impatient with waiting on God? Friends, let not the devil fool you. Let him not steal your dream, kill your hope, or destroy your faith. Shout out your faith till your spirit and soul come into agreement. Let your whole neighborhood know the hope you have in Jesus. Confess your faith with unwavering hope because even though you grow faint of waiting on God, God will never let go of His promise to you. He is faithful. 


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