God of restoration


Jeremiah 30:17:  For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.

God heals us of our wounds and turns our shame into honour.  Since God is a God of restoration, He will restore the health of His children.  The children of Israel had gone far away from God after having disobeyed Him through their sinful life.  They were treated as outcasts and nobody wanted to have any kind of connection with that nation.  Yet God in His mercy wanted to heal them of their wounds and restore health unto them and honour them.

God wants His children to be in a position of that of honour and in the best of health, both emotional as well as physical.  His word says that He is near to the brokenhearted and will save the crushed in spirit.  He will forgive us of our sins and accept us back into His fold.  When destruction hit Job, Satan thought he was done with.  God had other plans.  He restored his life’s position back to him but with a double measure.  He healed him of his disease and blessed him with more wealth and children.  He returned him back to health or in other words, he became prosperous.  Don’t hide or run away from God when you are insulted or put down because of your sin.  Come back to God.  He will restore your honour, restore everything else that you feel is lost.

Draw closer to God for His favor upon you.  Remember that He will not forsake anyone who goes to Him.  May God restore our health, forgive us of our sins, and return us to our former estate of joy and happiness.




