God Our Father


You should know in your heart that as a man chastens his son, so the Lord your God chastens you. Deuteronomy 8:5

Do you remember the very first time you were scolded or admonished by your parents? I remember correcting our very young preschooler. Out of curiosity, she touched the bulb that lit up a showpiece in the atrium of my sister’s place. Constant talking to and reasoning with didn’t stop her from touching the bulb. The only way she learned that the bulb is hot when lit, was when she touched it.

Now if we tried our best to warn our little girl to keep her safe from what we knew was dangerous, what do you think God does when He sees us walk into a lion’s den? Unlike us, God can see our timelines. He knows us from our mother’s womb. He knows our purpose, our goal, our end. So, don’t you think that God would guide us toward His plan and purpose for us?

The Holy Spirit, our constant companion, nudges us back to God’s path when we go astray. God sends reminders and signals through our family, friends, church family to remind us of God’s Word when they see us going wayward. All this is God’s way of correcting us. God allows us, like he did the Israelites, to go through some hardships but is there with us and provides for us through it all. As much as He chastens us to ready us for His Kingdom, He looks out for us. Our God is a good good Father.

Dear Lord, thank you for choosing us as your children. In faith and in truth I know in my heart Lord that you love me unconditionally and even though you chasten me when I do wrong, it is to protect me from harm and bring me to the path you have planned for me. Amen

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