God sees me!


Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, Keeping watch on the evil and the good. “

Our God is Omniscient and Omnipresent.

  • Omniscient: God knows me.
  • Omnipresent: God sees me

Proverbs 15:3 talks about our God being omnipresent. He is everywhere at all times. How does it make us feel that God sees everything? For some, the thought can be comforting. It is a good feeling to know that our Lord, who is powerful and mighty, looks after us every single second. 

Jesus knows everything—our past, present, and future. Nothing surprises him. He knows the desires of our hearts for every single thought that runs through our minds. He knows you by your name and sees you. What an uplifting thought! 

Theologians use the Latin phrase “coram deo,” which means living in the presence of God. Everything we do, say, or think, be it in public or alone, we do before the Lord.

Isaiah 41:10 says,“ Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, and I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Let us live boldly and be confident in everything we do because God has got us, and He never for a moment forsakes us. 


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