God- The Mighty Engineer


Proverbs 16:3 “Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.”

The God of the Holy Bible is a God of planning and strategy. Everything He does, He does it in order. He pays attention to every single detail and is always on schedule. He plans all things well in advance and executes them with perfection. He is the master mind behind all things great and beautiful. Every creation of the Lord is a proof of His success, planning and execution.

Our God is a skilful and talented God, and therefore, it should come as no surprise to us that He has blessed each one of us with various skills and talents. He has equipped us with the ability to dream and plan our works. However, this alone does not guarantee our success.

In today`s verse, every believer has been called to commit all his works, activities and plans unto the Lord. Any plan without commitment to God, is bound to fail. No matter how hard we work and how passionate we are about what we do, it will not yield the desired results without His blessings.

We have been instructed to trust Him not only with the execution of the plans, but also with the conceiving of the plans. When we submit whole-heartedly to Him, He will put the right plans in our mind. The plans that are aligned to His will. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” When His plan, become our plan, success is inevitable.

Our Lord has already blessed us with a brilliant future. However, He has also given us the free will to live and plan our own lives. He will never interfere with our plans, unless invited. A lot of times we tend to work things out by our own strength. Today, the Lord is reminding us that His strength and grace is all we need to live a prosperous and successful life. Are we ready to involve Him in our day-to-day activity, so that we can reap the benefits of His blessings and live a life that gives Him the glory?


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